It’s all in the details

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May 28, 2017
Preserving summer produce part 1
August 6, 2017
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It’s all in the details

  1. It’s all in the details, whether it is a successful household, management of a business, or an accomplishment, I will be sharing with you just a few that I have actually done this season.

Let me start by a swift mentioning of the following items that you might have not thought of actually cleaning:

credit cards, car steering wheel, remote control, can openers, kid’s lego, the knife block, and tooth brush holder.

You can clean the above items the way you see suitable, whether it is a wet wipe or soap water, just try to do it once in a while since they all accumulate lots of germs and bacteria.

How I personally maintain my silver, copper, and wood:


1- line your sink, pot, or any container fit for washing.

2- Place aluminum foil in the bottom

3- add 1.5 cups baking soda (depending on the amount of items you need to clean)

4- boil water and dip your silver items in for a few minutes

the result of a chemical reaction is what gets them clean and shiny. I recommend this method for all items that are difficult to clean because of their crevices and patterns.

I have been practicing this method for a few years now and always end up with a perfect result, much less time, and expenses.

wood polish,

I usually polish my front wooden door once a year thoroughly using a home made solution that I personally prepare from scratch using the following:

– 3/4 cup olive or canola oil

– 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

give it a good shake in a jar, using old cotton socks, dip in the solution and rub the wood using your right hand. With your left hand, massage the wood. Don’t be surprised, yes I do give it a nice massage. The look you get after the work is done is worth the effort.

Before and after picture of the door:

Essential tip: you don’t need to wash it out after the polish, as it will be absorbed. Enjoy the healthy shine. Do this on all your natural wood, it is not beneficial for laminated furniture.

Chalk dehumidifier,

a bundle of chalk wrapped by a piece of cloth will absorb the moisture when added to your silver cutlery. After you do the polish, you need to keep the items preserved for a longer period of time

essential tip: keeping them in boxes lined with felt is the most effective method


for those of you who have and are fond of all those old and new copper items, I have found a method that I tried and was really happy with the results. It is very easy and effective and I keep using it since I like to keep my favorite items intact, specially the ones my mom left me.

RIP mom I am taking good care of your pots by following the below method:

you will need,

– lemon

– powder cleanser

– sponge (use the rough side)

– gloves

– warm soap and water

put on your gloves, mix the lemon and powder. Give the item a strong rub, then rinse it with the warm soap and water.

Dry well in the sun and forget about doing that again until next season or maybe more.

How easy was that ?


as you all know, the grocery stores are full of sprays that could do the job, but, I use something a bit more practical. I make my own spray bottle by filling it with 3/4 water and 1/4 arak. Don’t be surprised, because the result that you will get is marvelous! And the wonderful smell that will fill the house for a short while is another plus.

essential tip: do not forget to move the furniture aside and put newspaper or anything you find suitable under the chandelier, to allow the dripping that will happen; switch off the light until it has completely dried.

I will be posting more detailed tips in the coming future, all from my actual experiences and methods that I use, as it is a pleasure sharing with you all.

With love, Jahna



  1. Farid Moussallem says:

    amazing helpful tips Jahna. Actually, I have a silver colored brass cross. it became oxidized with time but i really like it. Do you think cleaning it with the same method as copper you describe here will work or you have other methods for brass?

    • jahna says:

      Hello Farid, thank you for your question. Yes of course you can use the same method. I would love to know the outcome when you are done.